Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Well I really enjoyed reading this well most of it..... anyways.... here are the quotes that i found interesting and depending on time i'l see if i do explanation of why i liked the chosen quote.
1. "Ne te quaesiveris extra" which obviously means do no seek for things outside of you. This really hit me at the beginning. It was motivation on the spot, i really liked it.
2. " Nothing can bring you peace but yourself" this one is really true. to me it basically says that i choose how i am. i choose who i am. no one can choose for me. That is how i see this quote (i would like to here from whoever is reading this.)
3. "Every heart vibrates to that iron string" to me this means that everyone is there own sound. everyone is different in their own way. thats what i got from this quote.

the quotes above were heard in class the next two were the ones that i personally picked out.

4. "Society is a wave. The wave moves onward but the water of which it is composed does not" This quote got me interested in thinking for once. This quote is very true, but i can not explain why (i feel so distracted right now)
5. " The other terror that scares us from self trust is out consistency: a reverence for our past act or word" this one i can relate to because i a wuss to do certain things because i am afraid of failure. I also think about the outcomes of the past before i do something and if it was a bad outcome i just wont do it...

well thats all fo-fo-fo-lk-lks

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