Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Vocab Fall list #6

1. Meme: An element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.
ex: i have a feed full of memes.
2.Virus: A very small living thing that causes infectious illnesses.
ex: My computer got a Virus, what am i going to do!
3.Viral: relating to or caused by a virus..........or passed on to other people by using the internet
ex: The video of the kitty went viral.
4. Blog: A web page containing information or opinions from a particular person or about a particular subject, to which new information is added regularly.
ex: Oh no i need to start my blog again, i am slacking.
5. Wiki: A website with information that users can change or add things to.
ex: I always add the most true things on wiki.
6. URL: A website address.
ex: Eyyyyy send me the URL so i can watch the video.
7. Website: A place on the internet where you can find information about something.
ex: I always go to a .org website because those are the ones i trust the most.
8. WWW: Abbreviation for World Wide Web
ex:I always type in www before searching for anything.
9. Internet: The vast computer networks linking smaller networks
ex: I enjoy using the internet in my everyday life.
10. 2.0:used to refer to a slightly improved or different form of something.
ex: I got the all new ipair 2.0!!!!!!!

Monday, October 10, 2016


This presidential election has transformed into a battle, with venomous attacks from both aggravating parties. Hillary has remained stolid, and I personally wanna punch Trump in the proboscis. His supporters have slowly dissolved and the ones who have remained are hypnotized into believing America will be great again. This is a melancholy moment in American history because soon one of these candidates will be president. I earnestly believe that neither candidate should be eligible for office.

Saturday, October 8, 2016


Hmmmmm this title just makes me think.. what is the definition of a good human? Is there a limit  to being a good human? is being a good human picking up trash and disposing of it properly  or saving a kitten from a burning building. I don't truly know the answers to this, but some day i hope someone clarifies it for me. Im not a good human that i know, i do my part but i feel like its not enough... idk i just had to throw that in there... Anyways well yea :)

Monday, October 3, 2016

Fall List #5

1. Venomous: full of hatred and anger
       ex: Some people become venomous when messed with.
2. Stolid: doesn't react to situations or seem excited by them when most people would react.
       ex: I am a very emotionless stolid human being.
3. Hypnotized: to produce a sleep like state in someone so you can influence their  thoughts and actions.
        ex: i was hypnotized when i gazed into her beautiful eyes.
4.Suspend: to official stop something from continuing, mostly for a short time.
      ex: We suspended the project until a further date.
5. Transformed: to completely change the appearance, form, or character of something or someone
       ex: I transformed a used shoe into a pot or my plant.
6. Accuse: to say that you believe that someone is guilty of a crime or of doing something bad.
      ex: I was accused for ripping a book, but clearly i had not the strength to such thing.
7. Anticipate: to expect that something will happen, and be ready for it.
      ex: i was anticipating her arrival, but she never showed up.
8. Fringe: British term for bangs.
        ex: that is quite a fringe you got there buddy!
9. Melancholy: Very sad, Tres triste, Muy Triste.
       ex: My life consists of being melancholy and eating.
10. Earnestly: very serious and sincere
       ex: I am a very earnest person.
11. Dissolve: to start laughing or crying.
        ex: I dissolved into laughter when my friend fell.
12. Aggravate: To make a bad situation, illness or injury worse
       ex: All i ever do is aggravate a situation.
13. Illuminate: To make a light shine on something, or to fill a place with light
       ex: To me what she does best is illuminate my world.
14. Capillary: The smallest type of blood vessel in the body
         ex: How am i supposed to put capillary in a sentence?
15. Proboscis: A long thin tube that forms part of the mouth of some insects and worms.
       ex: Some mosquitoes have stunning proboscis.