Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The Cafeteria Worker

Just like every morning she gets up at 5am to get ready for work. Same routine every single morning..... At school she does what she always does and prepares food for the snobby disrespectful high school students. She hates this job because she sees the same thing everyday. She sees kids get the vegetables and fruit but only end up tossing it in the basket near the exit. One day after work she decided to take a different route home and came upon a thrift store. She went inside and found this shinning glimmering lamp. She bought the lamp and took it home. Upon arrival at her depressing apartment she plugged in the magic lamp and *BOOM* an alligator comes out. The alligator then asks the lady to make 3 wishes... blah blah blah explaining the rules. Then the lady says "I want my life to be more exciting, I also want people to notice me, finally i want to quit my job as the cafeteria worker" the alligator said "done!" *snap*............... lets just say that at the end of this story there was just an alligator, a magic lamp, and a monkey in the room.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Masterpiece Academy

May 16 and 17
Alejandra Llamas
Topic- Would things be better if we knew who our perfect match was?
Examples: Tattoos that glow when you find the perfect/compatible to them  

Preston Made a big deal about: confirmation bias: the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories.

My Thoughts: Wonderful idea, amazing idea.... but here is the thing.... i dont feel like a birthmark should define who you end up with. Love is something bigger than that. Most people probably do believe in destiny i know i do. However, i also believe that you control your destiny and the one you end up with is up to you and that significant other. A birthmark would make things easier but more forced.