Sunday, April 30, 2017

Horribly rushed Essay

Before you read this.. here is the setting in which i wrote it *between the wall and a couch.. no one could bother me because the space was so small, that being said i was very uncomfortable. And to top it all off 4 screaming children that wouldn't

     What is the "internet"? According to the author the internet is more than a tool in this time period. the internet is a form of communication and interaction. The author uses good syntax, diction, and tone to illustrate his argument of what the internet is and what it is used for.
      The choice of words used in the essay try to show the audience that the internet is not just something used for fun and entertainment. The word that really captures it was is the word "interaction". The example was used when he took out his phone and took a picture of his food. Then he stated " my reason was important. i missed someone. i wish i could have shared the meal with her" this shows communication/interaction from one person to another.

       When it comes to pictures the author says that they used to be printed through film. That when they showed the printed pictures to other people it created an interaction between 2 or more people. This is an example of how the internet works. The same thing happens only that they have a different experience. the author says "today pictures are still pictures but over orientation to them and the way we experience and use them is different" this all ties to the fact that people connect through these pictures only that now the internet extends the ability to do so.
       The author finishes off talking about how that someone whom he shared the picture with was his daughter. This was the point that really captures the attention of the audience because throughout the whole essay he does not mention who the picture was for. That was his special someone that he wanted to share the meal with. The author says " as we think about how to co-create and share more dynamic learning stories its important to consider our goals our audience, and the best tools for the job." This goes back with communication and interacting with other people through the internet. Thus stating his argument.

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