Sunday, November 27, 2016


* crowd chanting " speech speech speech speech"*

Alright! alright! y'all say you came for a speech but we all know you are here for the free food! You're getting a speech anyways..... So listen up.. I have something to say so please take a seat we can do a toast at the end. I just want to talk about a sensitive topic that all of us need to understand! All of you here today can make a difference in the world, i know that you hear this every day but its true. the way learned to see it is by reading "The sound of Thunder" In the story one man by killing a butterfly from the past changed who became president in the present. This all just comes to show the big impact that you all make in this world. For example you! *points at random person in crowd* if you would not have come to this party you would have stayed at home. You would have ordered a pizza. the person making the pizza was on a 16 hour shift therefore not realizing what they were doing anymore. therefore putting rat poison inside your pizza. You see i saved your life and the mans job. Every little thing changes a lot. We have all spent time in this room canceling out all the other variables as if we were outside. we all make a huge difference to the world. I also read in an Essay, great essay by the way. The essay was by a man named emerson, it was  about self reliance. The reason of why im speaking about this is that in the essay they talk about being yourself. Doesn't that affect what you do, therefore affecting the future? crazy things am i right? i have personally been through this. i was playing basketball and a lot of people came in the gym and started shooting.. so i was going to leave because i knew that i was no good compared to them, but as i was leaving someone said "wanna play" at that moment it could have gone 2 ways. i could have said yes or i could have said no. If i would have said no i would have never made such close friends therefore being a boring lonely person. kind of like i am today but that's not the point! the point is that everything you do now can change not just yours, but everyones future..... Now lets toast for how important we are to this world! Cheers!!

Friday, November 25, 2016


Remember that time you ate that spicy tomato just before you went to bed on the night before the big silence convention?  Oh, that weird dream you had about the 2016 presidential election.  When you woke up you couldn't quite remember the horrible details, but after reading "On Self-Reliance" and "A Sound of Thunder" it's all coming back to you now.

The dream started badly.  You were in line with your family at an office  waiting to be sent to high school.  Everywhere you looked there were posters of president-elect Recog Nition, looking like a crazy squirrel who could eat a whole 5 dollar special from Popeyes.   

Suddenly, there was Ralph Waldo Emerson telling you,  "Society is a wave. The wave moves onward but the water of which it is composed does not"   You realized that you have something to contribute to the world so you decided to try.  But it wasn't easy.  First you had to put on a fancy clown suit and afro wig and then you had make a balloon animal to go back in time to the white house  so you could convince people to learn about the candidates and the [political issue you care about most].

But right there in the White House there was a giant Turtle and it started  yelling at everyone.  People started to cry.  You grabbed a megaphone from a nearby megaphone shop and yelled "If people cant see air, does that mean fish cant see water?" Everyone stopped and listened, so you kept going.

Ahhhhhhhhhh what is this garbage that i just wrote! haha 

Sunday, November 13, 2016


ALERT SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wow i did not expect it to end like that! the sound of thunder was the guy getting shot *mind blown* this was a good story? i dont really know if there was a deeper meaning to it, but if i had to choose something it would be that one little thing can make such a big difference. thats what i got from it. really really good story kept me in the whole time 5 out of 5 stars. great!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Emerson Presentation Notes

today i saw a lot of good material. really inspiring to better my project #WorkinHard. I want to start off with lesley, Her presentation was pure gold. I know she didn't agree with him, but she showed some great example and comparisons. i also liked cesars idea of how to be a genius. The whole donald trump thing really made me think about how someone so stupid can be such a genius in his own special way (hope no one gets offended) but yeah thats what i got from todays presentation................. still need to finish mine smh

Friday, November 4, 2016


For the Emerson project i want to do a CD case, but the problem is i don't know how to make that an outstanding A++ project. (Just now Dr. Preston mentioned that we should present in a way where the audience will remember what we said) How in the world can i make a CD case memorable!!!!! ( I already have doubts about this ugh!!) .............. But then a quote collage sounds fun... and the same problem with this one  i do not know how to make it an A++ assignment this is so sad..... I am going to have a rough weekend that's for sure.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Well I really enjoyed reading this well most of it..... anyways.... here are the quotes that i found interesting and depending on time i'l see if i do explanation of why i liked the chosen quote.
1. "Ne te quaesiveris extra" which obviously means do no seek for things outside of you. This really hit me at the beginning. It was motivation on the spot, i really liked it.
2. " Nothing can bring you peace but yourself" this one is really true. to me it basically says that i choose how i am. i choose who i am. no one can choose for me. That is how i see this quote (i would like to here from whoever is reading this.)
3. "Every heart vibrates to that iron string" to me this means that everyone is there own sound. everyone is different in their own way. thats what i got from this quote.

the quotes above were heard in class the next two were the ones that i personally picked out.

4. "Society is a wave. The wave moves onward but the water of which it is composed does not" This quote got me interested in thinking for once. This quote is very true, but i can not explain why (i feel so distracted right now)
5. " The other terror that scares us from self trust is out consistency: a reverence for our past act or word" this one i can relate to because i a wuss to do certain things because i am afraid of failure. I also think about the outcomes of the past before i do something and if it was a bad outcome i just wont do it...

well thats all fo-fo-fo-lk-lks