Wednesday, September 28, 2016


I believe that a personal relations are a lot more important than causes or patriotism. This is because it builds a stronger base for anything in life. I understand that patriotism brings a nation together, but only for a day. That is why i believe that personal relations are better. They develop over time and takes dedication. This is something that truly matters. I am not saying there is anything wrong with patriotism i just feel like personal relations have many more  benefits. With personal relations you could trust each other. You can go to them for comfort and support. Unlike patriotism where only care about the country not others. Personal relations create trust in one another, they create something that is really hard to explain.

DP i am honestly out of ideas of what to say :/

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


1. Argumentum ad antiquitatem   ( the argument to antiquity or tradition)
ex: Hey we should keep a king instead of a equally divided form of government because history proves that it works .
2.Argumentum ad ignorantiam ( argument to ignorance)
ex:  Ghosts are real because no one has proof that they are not.
3. Argumentum ad misericordiam  ( argument or appeal to pity)
ex: Do it for the poor children that don't have homes, just think about it
4.Argumentum ad numerum (argument or appeal to numbers)
ex: 80% of all people agree that red is better than blue.
5.Argumentum ad populum (argument or appeal to the public).
ex: 80% of people like pizza the best there fore most of the public agrees with me
6.Argumentum ad nauseam (argument to the point of disgust; i.e., by repitition)
ex: China... it was all China... China did this China also did that 
7.Nature, appeal to
ex: pandas being together is not normal, thats why we should keep them apart.
8.Slippery slope.
ex: If we make guns legal in the us then soon we will let any weapon be legal.

I didnt really like any of the other ones 

Monday, September 26, 2016


Really DP?  You made me watch this? Well i saw way more than 15 minutes of this, because Trump and Hillary crack me up. It shows me that i will be able to argue like a kid even when i become an adult. When watching this i noticed that Donald Trump would always interrupt Hillary about anything. His most used words were "China, I have property there, Hillarys emails, losing jobs" 
He kept coming back to the 20 trillion dollar debt. Don't get me started on Hillary... she was just talking about plans plans and how her plans would work. She talked about trumps taxes... both weren't even talking about the questions of the debate. That  is all i noticed from the horrible 30 minutes of the debate that i saw.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Vocab List #4

  • Adroit:clever and skillful, mostly when you use words in an argument.                            ex: The adroit negotiator just made the deal. 
  • Amicable: an amicable agreement, relationship.... is one in which people feel friendly towards each other and do not want to quarrel                                                                    ex:Their relationship has always been amicable.
  • Averse: enjoying something mostly when it is bad for you                                                          ex: I am not averse to fighting anyone.
  • Belligerent: unfriendly and wanting to argue and or fight                                                             ex: That man has such a belligerent attitude. 
  • Benevolent: to be kind and generous                                                                                                 ex: I am a very benevolent person.
  • Cursory: done quickly with not much detail or attention                                                                ex: I took a cursory look at the painting. 
  • Duplicity: dishonest behavior used to trick someone                                                                         ex: he had a duplicity attitude in card games.
  • Extol: to praise something very much                                                                                                  ex: Everyone extols something different depending on belief.
  • Feasible: a plan idea or method that is likely to work                                                                       ex: there is always a feasible solution
  • Grimace: a facial expression you make when you feel pain                                                            ex: he had a grimace look on his face when the ball hit him where it hurts.
  • Holocaust: a situation where there  they wipe something off the face of the Earth.                  ex: The holocaust was a horrible part of history.
  • Impervious: not affected by something                                                                                          ex: I am impervious by all the bullies at school.
  • Impetus: an influence that makes something happen faster                                                         ex: the evidence gave fresh impetus to the research.
  • Jeopardy: danger of being lost or harmed                                                                                      ex: His life was in jeopardy.
  • Meticulous: very careful about small detail making sure everything is done correctly                ex: I am not a meticulous person
  • nostalgia: a feeling that a time in the past was good                                                                        ex: Nostalgia for the good ol times 
  • Quintessence: perfect example of something                                                                                       ex: I am the quintessence of good manners.
  • Retrogress: returning to an earlier or worse situation.                                                                       ex: Legislative officials are so retrogressive 
  • Scrutinize: to examine someone or something very carefully                                                          ex: I had to scrutinize the paintings 
  • Tepid: feeling that shows lack of interest or excitement                                                                  ex: i am very tepid when it comes to tests.                   

Saturday, September 10, 2016


Let me start off by saying oops. i feel like using bad words could be used to anyone's advantage. for example if i want to get a groups attention ill say "hey guys".... there is a slight chance no one will care, but if i say "F**K!!!" everyone will focus the attention on me. I don't know why bad words are labeled bad words. I don't know why they are bad, they are just letters with a meaning to it just like any other. Its discrimination of words if you ask me. when did the word @$$ become bad? it is just a body part like "butt" only different letters, but they MEAN THE SAME DAMN THING!!!!!!! #TRIGGERED I feel like people could communicate better when using rude and vulgar language. i believe this because i cant walk around school without hearing a bad word every 3 to 5 seconds its just so crazy. I know i didn't write much and its because i don't have much to say. In conclusion i feel like bad words are more of a blessing for when you want to feel like a rebel.
here is a list of bad words 2016- ***,****,*****,***,*****..... and so many more

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Never Always Sometimes by Adi Alsaid Literature Analysis #1

1)the plot is, it took place in Morro Bay California. Most of the book was about two kids in high school (Dave and Julia)

 2)This incoming high school best friends decide to make rules before entering high school about how they were not going to change. One of the rules was that they wouldn't fall for each other... That didn't work out so well because the boy has liked her way before the rules were created. on the senior year they decided to do everything that the rules said not to. They found out that they missed a lot of fun in school.

3)i feel like the author Adi Alsaid wakes up in the morning and lays there for a couple minutes and thinks of what to do for that day. Then he gets up with a smile on his face and makes himself a nice delicious breakfast. then he goes to shower and brush his teeth. After he just sits on the couch and watches tv. He is still thinking (probably about high school) about things. He probably goes for a run once in a while but not so often. That is probably how he spends his mornings.

Never Always Sometimes by Adi Alsaid Literature Analysis #1

1)the plot is, it took place in Morro Bay California. Most of the book was about two kids in high school (Dave and Julia)

 2)This incoming high school best friends decide to make rules before entering high school about how they were not going to change. One of the rules was that they wouldn't fall for each other... That didn't work out so well because the boy has liked her way before the rules were created. on the senior year they decided to do everything that the rules said not to. They found out that they missed a lot of fun in school.

3)i feel like the author Adi Alsaid wakes up in the morning and lays there for a couple minutes and thinks of what to do for that day. Then he gets up with a smile on his face and makes himself a nice delicious breakfast. then he goes to shower and brush his teeth. After he just sits on the couch and watches tv. He is still thinking (probably about high school) about things. He probably goes for a run once in a while but not so often. That is probably how he spends his mornings.

Satire Project

                                               Burn the shirt!!!!!!!!!

                       Burn the shirt. Over react that is the American way. Kaepernic sat down during the national anthem (didn't participate) and everyone went crazy!!! they are hating on him for that by like i said before, burning his jersey. That got me thinking.... we should make it a law that whenever someone doesn't participate in a song in america then they should be exiled forever. hear me out, For example  if a preschooler decides not to participate and sing along in class then he should be expelled. not just expelled, but they should burn all his toys as well!!!! Another would be if you are at a birthday party and it is time to sing happy birthday. An uncle decides not to participate then he is automatically cut from the family tree and abandoned for ever. This law will be revolutionary since everyone cares about one damn person that sat down for a song.  this comes to show how some people are dumb enough to burn an 80 dollar shirt just for the fun of it. People now a days take the most drastic measures for something so small.

Sorry DP I tried I really did... my brain is just blahhhh